
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Working at the Car Wash

Car Wash
It’s inevitable. With a yard full of oak trees waking from a long hibernation, randy and eager to do their springtime thing, every inch of the yard gets coated with a thick layer of yellow pollen. The whole neighborhood, in fact, takes on an amber tinge, even as the grass--ablaze in violent green--struggles to dominate the landscape’s color wheel. Thank goodness for Zyrtec.

Besides the respiratory issues, I don’t much mind the pollen downpours, though in a couple weeks’ time, when the pollen makes way for the treeworms that follow (actually oak flowers, shed in plaguelike proportions), the cleanup can be a bit taxing. Pollen can be wiped, dusted or swept away, or ignored completely (my preferred method of dealing). The worms, clogging the gutters and filling the flower beds and burying the sidewalks, require either a rake or more ignorance (ditto).

Via Autoweek

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